Save, Measure, Reduce, Renewable Supply
A community project to benefit us all
Our Aim
Kinsale Community Energy Project was set up in 2018 by Transition Town Kinsale to look at the transition to renewable energy in the P17 area.
To achieve this aim we need to:
look at our energy usage and consider how we can reduce it
consider how we will install insulation, air tightness and alternatives to fossil fuel heating into our buildings
ask where the renewable energy we require will come from and whether we could generate some of our own electricity or produce biofuel through anaerobic digestion
work together to make this transition
petition for policy which will enable this to happen in our communities
Why we are doing it
Transitioning to a low - and renewable - energy future is vital for future sustainability, our children’s future, and for reducing CO2 emissions to prevent catastrophic climate breakdown.
Chairperson KCEP -Donal Chambers
An Energy Master Plan was prepared by Stephen McGovern (Cork Energy Rating Company) and Trevor Sweetnam (Brí Buildings and Energy) with funding from the SEAI. Read the full plan here
Helpful advice
For more information on energy improvements or to get involved please contact
Donal Chambers at kcepttk@gmail.com.
Please leave a contact phone number.
The SEAI currently offers grants for installation of the following energy saving measures:
Heat pumps
Heating Controls
Solar Water Heating
Solar Electricy Heating
Visit the SEAI website to read more
and can be contacted at 1800 250 204
​SEAI also provide a list of BEC Project Coordinators who co-ordinate the Better Energy Grant Scheme.
Since it formed in 2005 TTK has has worked with many community and business groups including Tidy Towns, the Chamber of Tourism, the Good Food Circle; Kinsale Arts Week (now Weekend); local primary and post-primary schools, Kinsale College; Sáile; Foróige, Kinsale Active Retirement Association, and more recently The Men’s Shed, Plastic Free Kinsale and Kinsale Tennis Club, Future Kinsale and Kinsale Trails.
We have started conversations in our community which will enable us to take on the challenge of creating our low carbon future. We have endeavored to be both a catalyst for climate change action locally, and a catalyst for action nationally by lobbying decision makers. Our Transition journey in Kinsale has been about people in our community caring for others, and for the environment. Our “just transition” approach demands climate action now, with the benefits and costs of climate change action being shared in an equitable way locally and globally. Read More